Saturday, November 22, 2008


yesterday when john leaned down to kiss her forehead, she puckered up. today she was very alert with eyes open, raising and lowering arms and legs, nodding yes and no when asked questions, reaching for hugs from brooke, tammy, and i (tiffany), she gave a beautiful smile today---so precious--- today was a huge step forward on our way to recovery!! ventilator training began with good success, it alternates between cpap mode and back to assisted control on vent every 3 hours. she did awesome in cpap mode, she was breathing on her own while keeping her oxygen sats up and respirations between 15-20bpm. sedation is still being lowered. everyday brings joy to see her recovering so smoothly and knowing she is in God's hands. everyone please keep her in your prayers, God is listening!!


Tami Lieu said...

I am so glad to hear that my sweet sister in the gospel is doing so well!!! I miss you so much I wish I could come see you each day as I did here in Durant. My prayers are always with you as well as my love and my heart. Can't wait to see again. Love Tami Lieu

Tami Lieu said...

I will come and see you some time this week of Thanksgiving I'm on vacation and helping mom move back to her property so I'll be busy with that but I can make time to come see my friend. I hope you like the cards that the youth made for you to pick up spirits, hope you like the picture frame with the angels. Sorry we couldn't see you on Saturday, but we'll make it. Love you and see you soon. Tami Lieu